
Fairdata services are part of the digital preservation services offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland (“Minedu”). The Fairdata services support the research process and management of digital data with  some of the components described in the Framework for Open Science and Research.

Fairdata services is part Finland’s national contribution to European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Fairdata services are listed in the  European Open Science Cloud – EU Node Resource Hub and commit to the EOSC rules of participation.

The Fairdata services consist of the following service components:

Read more about the Fairdata benefits and service components.

Characteristics of the Fairdata services include:

  • Provides single sign-on services.
  • Provides secure storage and discoverability of research materials and associated metadata.
  • The metadata of all stored datasets and datasets harvested from other agreed sources will be published in the Etsin Research Data Finder, where the datasets have persistent identifiers and a landing page.
  • The Fairdata services provide support and advisory services associated with the storage and management of the datasets for the end users and utilising and potentially utilising organisations, and maintains specifications related to digital preservation.
  • The Fairdata services are managed according to the management model developed by Minedu.

The Fairdata services are available to the research community in accordance with the applicable use policy. The services are free of charge for the organisations and users, as defined in the agreement between the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland (“Minedu”) and CSC, and in the service Use Policies. The organisation and user utilising the services, are responsible for ensuring that the material transferred to the Fairdata services is is done within the rights entitling it to be processed as described in the Service Description and Privacy Statement. An exception to open availability is the Digital Preservation Service for Research Data, which is subject to a separate contract process.

Fairdata services are organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture and produced by CSC – IT Center for Science.

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