Research Dataset Description Tool Qvain ( aims to keep metadata creation simple and uniform; it offers you a simple form to fill-in and save the metadata. Once you are happy with it you simply publish it and thus make it visible to others.

It is the metadata that makes the dataset visible: through it’s metadata the dataset is found and first assessed. Metadata also explains the requirements and terms of proper use and re-use of the data. The longer the life cycle of a dataset, the more important, exhaustive and lucid metadata becomes.

Datasets described in Qvain can have files added from IDA-service, but Qvain also supports data stored outside of Fairdata. Published datasets can be explored in Etsin-service.

Qvain uses a data model made espescially for Fairdata services. You can explore the data model in Interoperability platform:

Advanced users can also use Metax API for describing their data in the same data model. Read more about Metax API.

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Contact information

CSC customer support
+358 9 457 2821
Weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4 PM

Qvain is organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The service is produced by CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.