Qvain Service Description

Service name
Fairdata Qvain –  Qvain Research Dataset Description Tool
Service summary
Qvain is a tool that provides workflows to create standardized metadata for research datasets. The tool is part of the Fairdata services (Fairdata Service Description in Finnish). Qvain is offered free of charge to its users.

The files stored in the Fairdata IDA service can be easily described as a dataset using Qvain. Users can also describe datasets whose files are stored elsewhere, outside of the Fairdata services.

The published dataset descriptions are available through the Fairdata Etsin service. The access to the actual contents may be open, or require a permit, as determined by the data owner in the metadata.

Qvain is an open source product. Its source code is available at GitHub.

Detailed description Qvain is a tool for creating metadata that describes a research dataset. Qvain provides a persistent idenfier (PID), either DOI or URN, to the dataset and thus also a persistent landing page.

The user first logs in using the shared authentication services (CSC account).

Then the user can start a new description – a record – or continue editing an unfinished one. It is also possible to revisit published dataset and edit their metadata.

The contents of the record depend on the data model. Qvain uses Metax Research Dataset data model that is available at https://tietomallit.suomi.fi/model/mrd/CatalogRecord/. Support of other data models may be added in the future.

Metadata is an important part of a quality dataset. Metadata consist of

  • content description (what the dataset is about: title, keywords, description, etc.);
  • contributor information (who contributed to the dataset: creators, owners, other contributors, research project, funders, etc.);
  • licensing information (terms of use: can a re-user make derivatives; use it commercially; etc.)
  • related resources information (related publications, datasets, research infrastructures, etc.)
  • file information (what files belong to the dataset; what is their role, e.g. data file or documentation file; where are the files, what are their technical characteristics)

Fairdata IDA users can select and link their IDA files to the dataset using the Qvain interface. Files outside the IDA service can be referenced with URLs or other identifiers.

Users can save a draft or a record and continue working with it later. When the draft is published, the description will become public in the Etsin service. The access to the files can be open or restricted as determined by the metadata.

 Restrictions N/A
Target audience Researchers and e.g. data librarians.
How to obtain the service Qvain can be accessed in qvain.fairdata.fi.

Users must log in using authentication methods supported by Fairdata. The users need to create a CSC account to use the service.

User support Qvain is generally available for use 24/7.

Maintenance and support are however provided during the service hours only.
Maintenance and repair operations take place during the service hours. The service hours are business days from 8 a.m. through 4 p.m.

Contact point

  • User guidance and general questions about the Service and its use
  • Contact point if the Service is not available or malfunction

CSC Service Desk

Clients responsibilities The client is responsible of the metadata contents they create in Qvain. They must make sure that metadata they enter do not violate copyright, copyright-related rights or other such rights in creating metadata records. They must make sure that the metadata they enter does not contain sensitive data or personal data that they don’t have the right to publish. The metadata must not violate any other legislation, or the terms of use.

All users must practice due diligence regarding their user credentials. They must immediately report to the service provider, if they observe, suspect, or anticipate a data security breach.

Users also accept the General Terms of Use for CSC’s Services for Research associated to CSC-accounts.

Service producers responsibilities The service producer is responsible for providing the service to users at the agreed service level. The producer is responsible for providing support in the agreed manner.The service producer shall notify the user organisations and users of all security breaches and security risks without delays.

The Privacy statement for the Digital preservation services, Fairdata services and the Digital preservation solution.

Service producer CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.
Service offered and organized by The Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
Document version
  1. 0.2. 24.5.2018
  2. 1.0 8.7.2019
  3. 1.1. 2.11.2020